Apr 18Liked by Black Iowa News

Unified government, whether R or D, will eventually run to excess and the only check is divided government, forcing compromise on all issues. R's now have it and I blame the D's for their political incompetence, pushing "coastal" policies and issues that will take years to resonate in Iowa.

Meantime, here is D-icon Tom Harkin's advice as reported by Doug Burns: "If I were running for the Legislature in Iowa, there are only three issues I’d run on, no matter what part of the state I was in. First, no public tax money for religious schools, period. The second issue I would campaign on: government should not be able to take your private property for a private company, period. And the third issue would be reproductive freedom for women. I’d just do those three issues. I wouldn’t talk about anything else.”

Nothing else. Can the D's summon the discipline to follow this advice?

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Dana, we are with you 100%. Even joining you in thinking about moving out of Iowa. In addition to all the OMG things you mentioned, it appears that our governor and legislature want to completely ruin public education; that they do not care for all of us but only a select few--just to name a couple more.

Dana, we need your voice. We need your perspective. We need you as a model for what we can become. We need a new governor who does care about DEI, all of our people, especially the children all of whom need the support and financial aid to keep a strong public education program; who need adequate and good nutrition; who need healthcare for all. We need legislators who care about the people, as some say, People over Politics. We need governmental leaders who are honest and have the best interests of all the citizens as heart. We need governmental leaders who understand they are servants of the people of Iowa. Let's together, instead of moving, continue to speak out, to use our voices, our energies, our commitments to make Iowa a place where folks want to move to, not move from. Thank you for your important reporting. Keep up the good work. As Harriet Tubman said, "If you are tired, keep going; if you are scared, keep going, if you are hungry, keep going; if you want to taste freedom, keep going." Let's keep going together. Diana

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Apr 18Liked by Black Iowa News

Yes, absolutely yes! Many in this legislature have gone mad and are throwing Iowans to the curb like garbage. What has happened to people?! I too, have thought of moving after 32 years back in Iowa but I don't believe in running from problems either so for now I am not going. Someone has to be here to resist the Republican insanity and stand up to the ugly injustice that is trying to turn Iowa into a dictatorship of extremity that excludes anyone who is not from a very narrow slice of society...

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I’m so glad you are writing here, producing Black Iowa News, and doing the podcasts.

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Apr 23Liked by Black Iowa News

thank you. Can you write updates this summer and fall on the impact of the laws? During floor debates, it is common for legislators to assuage dissenters with promises ‘that the bill won’t be that bad;, or patronizing comments that ‘we understand and have your concerns incorporated’. There are many examples, i.e., the civil and human rights setbacks. One remedy is to monitor and this essay is a good start.

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Thank you for this! Agree 100%!

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Apr 18Liked by Black Iowa News

Dana... thank you for callin it the way it is... and for all you do.

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Apr 18Liked by Black Iowa News


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Apr 18Liked by Black Iowa News

Yes. ALL OF THAT 🤬 What is the matter with these people?

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